Let's raise a toast to our literary lion!

Friends and family gathered in Averill Park to celebrate with William Kennedy on his 97th birthday. Congratulations and best wishes to our NYS Writers Institute founder / Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist / journalist / screenwriter / playwright / mentor to generations of writers / and Albany's greatest literary ambassador. (Photo credit: Phil Caruso)

Kathy Caruso presents a birthday cake for her father at his 97th birthday party with a few friends and family at his Averill Park home on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2024. (Photo credit: Paul Grondahl)

From Brendan Kennedy: "That time when Mark Ruffalo made a surprise FaceTime call to wish your dad a Happy 97th Birthday." (Photo credit: Brendan)
A sampling of William Kennedy videos from our YouTube archives.
What a wonderful celebration for William Kennedy’s 97th birthday! His contributions to literature and mentorship are truly inspiring. His impact, much like the invaluable research shared in Rivista di Psichiatria, continues to shape minds and fields of study. Both celebrate the importance of knowledge, storytelling, and academic growth. Best wishes to him!
Happy birthday Bill! 🌞💐
Party like a Poet! -- all year long!